13 June 2010

I am "The Visa Girl"

Now I can finally breathe.

It's not that I haven't been breathing since my application for a working visa got rejected because if I did I wouldn't be alive today and writing this. And by the way, I'm trying to be funny.

Four months ago, I quit my job and came here to Singapore to find a new one. Luckily, after a month, I managed to be interviewed, evaluated and finally HIRED. I was so stoked to be working at an (almost) entirely new environment.

But being a foreigner and having to work here, I need to follow several rules the government had set - I need to get a working visa.

The company applied for it on my behalf. I have started working already while waiting, confident that it will get approved since I hold this eligibility certificate and supporting documents. To my surprise, after three weeks it was rejected.

Luckily for me they wanted to keep me so they filed an appeal. It was an overwhelming feeling, not to mention a surge of various emotions - fear, agitation, worry - knowing that an appeal will take a longer time to be processed.

It was indeed a long time, I was waiting five weeks for it. The waiting part was nerve-wracking. Although I'm Ms. Optimistic and hoping for the best, I was also expecting the worst.

IT'S ALL OVER NOW. My working visa was finally approved which means I'm going back to work. I know I was missed by my lovely colleagues.

I'm really so, so, so happy and blessed to be continuing this chapter of my life.

I'm now a legitimate OF (a.k.a. The Visa Girl)!

1 comment:

  1. i love it. cheers! we should now aim for different kind of VISA!
